障害者の文化芸術国際フェスティバル グランドオープニング|湖×海(うみとうみ)ーほほえむちからー
- 開催日
- 2025年2月7日(金)~2月9日(日)
- 開催場所
- 滋賀県立芸術劇場びわ湖ホール・コラボしが21 研修室
Click here for the flyer International Festival of Disabled People’s Arts and Culture Grand Opening
點選此處查看傳單(繁體版) 國際殘疾人文化藝術節傳單
- イベントスケジュール
●Day 1 2月7日(金)11:00-17:00(10:30開場) | 国際フォーラム
会場:びわ湖ホール3階 研修室
登壇者:劉貞鳳(中華民国智障者家長総会 理事長)、久保厚子(障害者の文化芸術を推進する全国ネットワーク 会長)、佐々木桃子(一般社団法人全国手をつなぐ育成会連合会 会長)13:30-14:15
「基調講演 障害者の文化芸術 台湾と日本を俯瞰して」
登壇者:林筱婷(中華民国智障者家長総会 主任)14:30-16:30
登壇者:趙家佳(カトリック輔仁大学 学務処 衛生保健組およびリソース教室 組長 「深耕・飛翔」学生学習指導推進チーム 委員 特殊教育推進委員会 執行秘書)
・信楽学園 文化芸術プログラムの実践から(15:00〜15:30)
登壇者:山邊まみ、坂尻あづき(社会福祉法人グロー 事業担当)
進 行:西川賢司(一般社団法人全国手をつなぐ育成会連合 障害者文化芸術[日本博事業]担当/社会福祉法人グロー 専務理事)16:30-16:45
登壇者:又村あおい(一般社団法人全国手をつなぐ育成会連合会 常務理事/事務局長)【ワークショップ】13:00-17:00 | BUS STOP FILMS(オーストラリア)
会場:コラボしが21 3階 研修室
主催:BUS STOP FILMS 協力:公益財団法人日本ダウン症協会、一般社団法人マイノリティー交流協会
●Day 2 2月8日(土)13:30-20:30 (13:00開場)| 舞台公演
会場:びわ湖ホール 中ホール
オープニング -オープニング・アクト:施翬、施翯
BUS STOP FILMS Presents 映画&トーク Short Film & Cross Talk
●Day 3 2月9日(日)14:00-16:30 (13:00開場)|糸賀一雄記念賞第二十三回音楽祭
会場:びわ湖ホール 中ホール
※13:30から「あらかじめ舞台ガイド」を実施します。舞台上で楽器などに触れる時間で、どなたでもご参加いただけます。総合プロデューサー:小室 等(フォークシンガー)
●同時開催/2月8日(土)、9日(日) | 作品展示
会場:びわ湖ホール 中ホール ホワイエ
- 鑑賞サポートについて
手話 通訳
音声ガイド ※国際フォーラムでは実施しません
ヒアリング ループ ※びわ湖ホール中ホールのみ
点字 プログラム
事務局/社会福祉法人グロー 法人企画局地域共生部
E-mail: kikaku@glow.or.jp
- チケットの購入について
各日1日券:一般1,000円 / 障害者500円
お申込みフォームはこちらから/https://forms.gle/dVXGb5AfssiiFMUD8事務局/社会福祉法人グロー 法人企画局地域共生部
E-mail: kikaku@glow.or.jp●販売
TEL: 077-523-7136
受付時間 10:00~19:00休館日:火曜日(休日の場合は翌日)
- アクセス
大津駅 12:50発 びわ湖ホール13:00到着予定(ヤサカ観光バス:リフト車)
大津駅 14:40発 びわ湖ホール14:50到着予定(ヤサカ観光バス:リフト車)
大津駅 15:10発 びわ湖ホール15:20到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)
大津駅 17:10発 びわ湖ホール17:20到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)【びわ湖ホール→大津駅】
びわ湖ホール 16:00発 大津駅16:10到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)
びわ湖ホール 20:30発 大津駅20:40到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)
びわ湖ホール 21:10発 大津駅21:20到着予定(滋賀中央観光バス:大型バスリフトなし)2月9日(日)
大津駅 12:30発 びわ湖ホール12:40到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)
大津駅 13:40発 びわ湖ホール14:00到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)【びわ湖ホール→大津駅】
びわ湖ホール 16:40発 大津駅16:50到着予定(滋賀中央観光バス:大型バスリフトなし)
びわ湖ホール 17:00発 大津駅17:10到着予定(近江鉄道バス:低床バス)【乗降場所】
① 改札口を出て、駅前のスクランブル交差点を左斜めに渡る。
② まっすぐ50メートル程で無料シャトルバスのりばです。びわ湖ホール乗降場所
びわ湖ホール前 ※但し、12:50発・14:40発のリフト車は中ホール搬入口到着

International Festival of Disabled People’s Arts and Culture Grand Opening: Umi to Umi –hohoemu chikara–
- 2024、February 7 (Fri)~February 9 (Sun)
- Biwako Hall, Center for the Performing Arts, Shiga / Collabo Shiga 21
International Festival of Disabled People’s Arts and Culture
Grand Opening: Umi to Umi –hohoemu chikara–
The Universal Tourism Project for Arts and Culture for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai is a three-year project that began in 2023. This year, the International Festival of Disabled People’s Arts and Culture Grand Opening will be held to further promote universal tourism and the provision of reasonable accommodation, and to expand activities overseas, particularly in the Asian region. This Festival will consist of the International Forum, Performing Arts Show, and the 23rd Music Festival of the Kazuo Itoga Memorial Prize, with guests from Taiwan and Australia.
Click here for the flyer International Festival of Disabled People’s Arts and Culture Grand Opening
- Event Schedule
February 7 (Fri)11:00-17:00 (Doors open 10:30)
International Forum
Venue: Biwako Hall, 3F Seminar Room
admission free
Simultaneous interpretation available (English, Chinese [Traditional])11:00~11:45
Toward the Realization of Universal Tourism in Arts and Culture
Speaker: Josephine J.F. Liu (President, Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan)
Kubo Atsuko (Chairperson, National Network for Promoting Arts and Cultural Activities of Disabled People)
Sasaki Momoko (Chairperson, New Inclusion Japan Association, Inc.)13:30~14:15
Keynote Speech: Arts and Culture of Disabled People: A Bird’s Eye View of Taiwan and Japan
Speaker: Hsiao Ting Lin (Director, Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan)14:30~16:30
Considering Arts and Culture of Disabled People from the Perspective of Education: Cases from Japan and Taiwan・The Support System for Students with Mental and Physical Disabilities in Higher Education in Taiwan: The Case of Fu Jen Catholic University
Speaker: Chia-Chia Chao (Head, Health center and Resource Classroom, Office of Student Affairs, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan; Member, “Cultivate Deeply and Fly” Educational Guidance Promotion Team; Executive Secretary, Organization of the Special Education Promotion Committee)・From the Practice of Arts and Culture Program at Shigaraki Gakuen
Speakers: Yamabe Mami, Sakajiri Azuki (Project Representative, Social Welfare Organization Glow)・Panel Discussion
Speakers: Hsiao Ting Lin, Chia-Chia Chao, Yamabe Mami, Sakajiri Azuki
Facilitator: Nishikawa Kenji (Representative, Japan Cultural Expo Project for Arts and Culture of Disabled People, Japan Association of/for People with Intellectual Disabilities; Executive Director, Social Welfare Organization Glow)16:30~16:45
Matamura Aoi (Executive Director and Secretary General, New Inclusion Japan Association, Inc.)*Detailed program schedule will be posted on the website as soon as it is decided.
Venue: Collabo Shiga 21, 3F Seminar Room
admission freeBUS STOP FILMS (Australia) Workshop
Since 2009, BUS STOP FILMS has been working with people with disabilities and others to produce films. Through learning filmmaking, people with disabilities can acquire social skills and work skills, and also aim to raise social awareness. In this workshop, participants will not only participate as actors, but also learn about cinematography, makeup, and costumes, and experience actual camera shooting, lighting, and sound to produce a short film.
Cooperation: Japan Down Syndrome Society, Nonprofit Minority Exchange Association
February 8 (Sat)13:30-20:30(Doors open 13:00)
Stage Performance
Venue: Biwako Hall,Theatre
Tickets are required for viewing.13:30 Opening
Opening Act: Huei Shih・Ho Shih
National Network Forum for Promoting Arts and Cultural Activities of Disabled People15:00
「Comedy Contest “D-1” Grand Prix for People with Down Syndrome」
For people with Down syndrome who love to laugh and make others laugh with comedy, the “JDS Comedy Lecture 2024” was held at four locations across Japan with Yoshimoto comedians and rakugo educators as lecturers. After the lecture, participants created and performed their own comedies. A “D-1” Grand Prix by the winner of each venue will be held at Biwako Hall.
*The “D” in D-1 was taken from Down syndrome and diversity.
Organizer: Japan Down Syndrome Society15:45「BUS STOP FILMS Presents Film & Talk: Short Film & Cross Talk」
BUS STOP FILMS will talk about its productions and behind-the-scenes stories, and introduce their films through a simultaneous interpreter-moderator. A slideshow of the previous day’s workshop will be shown. In addition, they will give a talk about their past projects.17:30「Performing Arts Performance by Disabled People」
Zuiho Taiko [Nanko Airinkai] (Japan/Japanese drum)
Huei Shih・Ho Shih (Taiwan/harp & flute)
Starry Prince Band (Taiwan/percussion)
hohoemu chikara(Komuro Hitoshi and the Guest Musicians)
Kuwanoki Kagura Kai [Iwami Fukushikai] (Japan/Iwami Kagura)
February 9 (Sun) 14:00~16:30(Doors open 13:00)
The 23rd Music Festival of the Kazuo Itoga Memorial Prize(Cultural Program Project for Wata-SHIGA Shining National Sports and Para-Sports)
Venue: Biwako Hall,Theatre
Tickets are required for viewing.A “Pre-performance Stage Guide” will be held from 13:30. This is a time to touch instruments and other items on stage, and everyone is welcome to participate.
Producer : Komuro Hitoshi (folk singer)
Guest Musicians :
Sakata Akira (alto saxophone)
Takara Kumiko (percussion)
Tanikawa Kensaku (piano)
Yoshida Ryuichi (baritone saxophone)
Kawano Shunji(drums)
Komuro Yui (voice)Performers:
Otsu Workshop Group
Omi Gakuen Workshop Group
Starry Prince Band & Huei Shih・Ho Shih
「Shine!!」 Workshop Group
Konan Workshop Group
Concurrent Events
Date: February 8 (Sat), February 9 (Sun)
Venue: Theatre Foyer
A ticket for the performance is required to enter the foyer.●The 4th Art Exhibition 2024 Prize-winning Works
Organizer: National Federation of Parent Associations for the Physically Disabled
Grand Prize
「Akita Inu da!」 by Fukuhara Tsuyoshi (Akita Kirari Support School, second year of junior high school)●The 42nd Art Exhibition/Digital Photography Exhibition for the Physically Disabled (2023) Prize-winning Works
Organizer: Japanese Society for Disabled Children, Prefectural Societies for Disabled Children
「Zarigani」 by Maeda Emika (Kagoshima Prefectural Kagoshima Minami Special Support Education School, fifth year of elementary school)
- About viewing support
We will support visitors, welcoming everyone.
In order to make the festival enjoyable for everyone, we will provide various services, such as assistance from the station to the venue, and information accessibility for viewing. If you have any problems or concerns, please feel free to contact the secretariat.
We will make reasonable accommodations to ensure that everyone can participate.
Sign language interpretation,
Writing boards
Text support
Multilingual support (English, Chinese [Traditional])
Audio guides
Hearing loop
Wheelchair seating,
Braille programs*Not available in International Forum.
*Hearing loop is available only in Biwako Hall Medium Hall.
*There is a rest area for those not feeling well.
*Accompaniment (transportation assistance) will be provided from Keihan Ishiba Station.Contact Us
Secretariat : Social Welfare Organization Glow
TEL: 0748-46-8100 (weekdays 9:00-17:45)
E-mail: kikaku@glow.or.jp
- Purchasing Tickets
All seats unreserved
Tickets are required to see the show on February 8 (Sat) and 9 (Sun). February 7 (Fri) is free entry.One-day ticket :
Adult 1,000 yen
Disabled visitor 500 yen*Only one-day tickets are available. If you wish to enter both days, please purchase a ticket for each day.
*Free admission for one accompanying person of a disabled visitor, junior high school student and under. (On February 8 and 9, tickets are required for free admission.)
*Reservations are recommended.How to Purchase or Reserve Tickets
Admission will be easier if you purchase tickets or make reservations in advance.A: Purchase and Reserve
*We accept reservations by phone, e-mail, or online form.
Secretariat: Social Welfare Organization Glow, Planning Bureau, Department of Community Coexistence
4837-2 Shimotoira, Azuchi-cho, Omihachiman-shi, Shiga
TEL: 0748-46-8100 (weekdays 9:00-17:45)
E-mail: kikaku@glow.or.jp
Application FormB: Purchase [Biwako Hall Ticket Center]
* Tickets are only sold at the counter in cash.
No changes or cancellations will be accepted for tickets purchased or reserved. No refunds will be made except in case of cancellation or postponement.
15-1 Uchidehama, Otsu-shi, Shiga
Closed Tuesdays (or the following day if Tuesday is a holiday)
TEL: 077-523-7136
Hours: 10:00-19:00●Same-day tickets will be sold at the entrance of Biwako Hall, Theatre
(Admission may be denied if advance sales reach maximum capacity.)
- Access
Biwako Hall, Center for the Performing Arts, Shiga
15-1 Uchidehama, Otsu-shi, ShigaFrom JR Biwako Line (Tokaido Main Line) Otsu Station, 10 minutes by temporary bus, 20 minutes on foot.
A temporary bus will be available from Otsu Station.(Details will be announced as soon as they are finalized.)From JR Biwako Line (Tokaido Main Line) Zeze Station, about 15 minutes on foot.
From Keihan Zeze Station, board a bus bound for Sakamoto Hieizanguchi, disembark at Ishiba Station, 3 minutes on foot.
There will be transportation assistance from Keihan Ishiba Station.