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Japan Cultural Expo Art Brut creation nippon in nagasaki , September 2020
Arts and Culture festivals sent out to the world by disabled people


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/ Overview

With the theme of "Humanity and Nature in Japan", it is a cultural and arts festival that is transmitted domestically and internationally from the perspective of people with disabilities. The festival, which opened in Shiga in February 2020 and has been held in 6 blocks nationwide for two years, will celebrate its grand finale in Kinki. We will hold an Art Brut exhibition, performing arts performances, barrier-free movie screenings, barrier-free theater performances, and “agricultural x fortune x food” events. Performing arts performances can be enjoyed by those who cannot come to the venue through live distribution and archive distribution.

We are working on barrier-free. For more information, see "To ensure everyone can participate" at the end of the site.

Project 1

At Venue

Art Brut; “Humanity and Nature in Japan” BEYOND

Project 1

At Venue

This exhibition concludes the "Art Brut: Humanity and Nature in Japan" exhibition. The exhibition is divided into two sections: "Traveling: From Encounters," which introduces 20 artists from each region, and "Co-Creation: New Forms of Creation," which features six groups of artists who are looking beyond the future. The exhibition will feature 150 works in two sections.

February 11, 2022 (Fri.) - March 21, 2022 (Mon.) 11:00 - 17:00
Venue:[Venue 1] Borderless Art Museum NO-MA (16 Nagahara-cho kami, Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture [Former Noma Residence]), [Venue 2] Former Masuda Residence (4 Suwai-cho naka, Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture), [Venue 3] Machiya Club (21 Suwai-cho naka, Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture)
Admission: 500 yen (450 yen) for a common ticket, 450 yen (400 yen) for high school and university students, 200 yen for an individual ticket.
Free admission for persons with disabilities and one attendant, junior high school students and younger *Group rates in parentheses are for groups of 20 or more.

Kimura Yusuke
Tsurukawa Koji
Hirano Tomoyuki
Shimizuya department store and Taxis
Masuyama Kazuaki
Iguchi Naoto
Sugiura Atsushi

/ List of exhibiting artists

/ Borderless Art Museum NO-MA

/ Former Masuda Residence

/ Machiya Club

Project 2


Performing Arts

Project 2


Performing Arts

Project 3

At venue

Project 3

At venue

Project 4

Project 5

At venue

Kimura Yusuke

Barrier-free service

To ensure everyone can participate

Disabled People’s Arts and Culture Festival will strive to ensure that everyone can enjoy the festival regardless of abilities or disabilities. On the day, there will be a Welcome Center to support visitors’ stay and experience as well as ensuring access to information, such as through sign language interpretation, for each program. The main services are as follows. We look forward to seeing you there.
